Attention Homeowners “Any Roof except Shingles”, look into “Metal Innovations”
“Any Roof except Shingles”
To inform owners of all specialty roofing options, “You don’t have to re-do your roof… again.”
Peace of mind, not another disposable roof, Beautiful, Lifetime, Lightweight, Strong…
For owners who want something other than shingles whether it’s at a premium or even at the same price and convenience of shingles.
“Metal Innovations”
To inform homeowners of innovative metal roofing options, “It doesn’t have to cost you an arm and a leg!” Peace of mind, not another disposable roof, Beautiful, Lifetime, Lightweight, Strong…Everything Proof Roof. For homeowners who want something other than shingles but at the same price and convenience.
Owners can use all our resources for free and with no obligation.
“Option Selector”
Anything you need at best possible price and convenience for you.
Product information like, warranties, delivery dates, availability, drawings, specs etc…
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Addresses of actual roofs.
BAT Homeowners can use the power of being part of the group whenever a problem arises. We deal with reputable well managed companies but problems can arise nonetheless. For example a warranty claim is not being honored or a wait is too long or a discontinued color is said to be “not available” etc… Due to our numerous specialty roofers in the BAT Group, we have great clout when an issue is unfairly dealt with towards the single homeowner. When right makes might being part of the BAT Group comes in handy.
We’re not selling the owner anything; we sell direct to the roofing contractor. We hope that we are useful to the homeowner in making a proper roofing decision and hope that the owner chooses a roofer that buys from BAT Group. We are sharing information to make it easy for you to make a proper roofing decision specific to your needs.
Talk to the homeowner with the roofer in mind.
You probably got this link from a specialty roofer who’s part of the BAT Group.
Getting your roof done by a BAT Group certified specialty roofer means you get any roof you want at the price you want. Plus you know they’re experts because they’re certified by BAT Group.
At BAT we take this certification thing very seriously, we evaluate based on past history, on current training and customer comments. We review certification twice yearly, sometimes we suspend certification, sometimes we cancel certification depending on our guidelines and the feedback we get from the homeowners.
Here are some featured BAT Group certified specialty roofers:
New Steel Roofers, Mr. Gerard Canada, Toiture Distinction, Metal Pro, Alto……..
For one closest to you please click here! Generate leads for my champions.